Sponsors and CRO companies

SPECDERM is a well-established center with nearly 15 years of experience in conducting comprehensive clinical trials.

We look forward to working with you!


The SPECDERM center’s long-standing practice has allowed it to gain experience and select a highly qualified research team. Patients are cared for by dermatologists, diabetologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, internists and pulmonologists, as well as nurses and clinical research coordinators.
Each staff member is competent in conducting clinical trials and has up-to-date training in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In addition, nurses and coordinators are IATA certified to meet safety standards for laboratory logistics.

We offer a long-term and professional cooperation with an experienced, well-established center.

Experience and professionalism

The high qualifications of the entire team guarantee quality and precision in the implementation of projects.

Comprehensive research facilities

Modern and functional rooms that provide a high standard and comfort for clinical research.

Strict adherence to standards

Procedures and operations in accordance with international GCP guidelines, ensuring safety, ethics and reliability of results.

Advantages of working with SPECDERM

Short period
contracting and startup

A wide range of specialties
clinical research

Qualified and experienced
medical staff

Security of storage

Access to a broad base of

A modern center with good
research facilities

Cooperation based on
transparent communication

Innovative organizational solutions

Yearly certified equipment such as centrifuge with cooling function, thermometer, refrigerators with min-max thermometers for storing medicines, freezer -20 and -80 degrees, ECG machine, body temperature thermometers, blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeter, defibrillator guarantee the accuracy of measurements and analysis.


The implementation of a modern system ensures the continuity of processes and the maintenance of appropriate conditions – in the event of power outages, the system sends SMS notifications, and the UPS emergency power supply turns on, maintaining the required storage temperatures for biological materials and drugs. Ensuring the safety of patients and staff, the center provides emergency equipment – an automatic defibrillator and an AMBU kit.


Understanding the complexity of modern clinical research and the need for a comprehensive approach to diagnostics, we undertake cooperation by contracting with external entities. Thus, we offer the use of advanced diagnostic methods such as MRI, echocardiography or other protocol-required methods. All this makes SPECDERM a center that meets the highest standards of quality and safety in the clinical research industry.


Having been on the market for nearly 15 years, it conducts clinical trials specializing in phases: 2 and 3. During our many years of operation, we have conducted studies on a wide range of conditions, including:
* Plaque psoriasis in children and adults,
* Atopic dermatitis in children and adults,
* Vitiligo,
* Spontaneous urticaria,
* Acne,
* Migraine,
* Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,
* Kidney disease with proteinuria,
* Type II diabetes mellitus,
* Alzheimer’s disease,
* Candidiasis,
* Hand eczema.


Currently, our research activities mainly focus on problems such as psoriasis in patients as young as 6 years old, atopic dermatitis, spontaneous urticaria, vitiligo and hand eczema. A team of experienced specialists, including dermatologists, diabetologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, internists and pulmonologists, among others, is responsible for these comprehensive examinations.


Our continued involvement in such a wide range of medical problems, demonstrates our ability to respond flexibly and adapt to changing research needs. This wealth of experience, combined with the knowledge and skills of our team of specialists, places SPECDERM at the forefront of clinical research centers, making it an ideal partner for CROs and sponsors wishing to conduct world-class research.


SPECDERM has consistently maintained the highest quality standards in its operations over the years, actively contributing to the development of medicine and raising the level of clinical research.
The center’s activities are fully harmonized with research protocols and international standards of Good Clinical Practice (GCP), which testifies to the unwavering reliability and professionalism of its approach to each project.

All activities carried out by the center are carried out in accordance with current standards and applicable regulations, which translates into the confidence and trust of business partners.

A key factor that has contributed to the center’s earned reputation is also its highly qualified staff. It consists of experienced, competent specialists who pursue their goals with precision and commitment, creating a place where clinical research takes place at the highest international level. Meanwhile, the focus of the main priority on concern for patient safety ensures that every study is conducted with the highest ethical standards.

All of this has made the SPECDERM site synonymous with innovation, trust and commitment to raising the standards of clinical trial service, while offering tangible and measurable benefits to the medical community and patients.