For doctors

We invite doctors of various specialties to cooperate with us. Working with us, you have the opportunity not only to significantly influence the development of medicine, but also to contribute to the creation of innovative solutions that have a real impact on improving the quality of life of patients.

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Why is it worth it?

Working with a competent
and experienced team

Innovative solutions

Cooperation with reputable
pharmaceutical companies

Well-equipped center and research infrastructure

Doctors working with SPECDERM can count on innovative organizational solutions that significantly simplify their daily work and make it more efficient.


The use of our solutions makes the research process smoother, which translates into staff efficiency. As a result, doctors can focus fully on patient care instead of wasting time on unnecessary paperwork.


As a result, doctors are assured that they are working efficiently, while patients benefit from quality care, confident that they are in the hands of clinical research specialists.


At the SPECDERM Clinical Research Center, we provide doctors with the opportunity to focus on patient care, eliminating the need to deal with unnecessary administrative and office matters.


As a result, physicians can focus on clinical practice and professional development by participating in leading research studies. We offer comprehensive support and state-of-the-art data management, which translates into efficiency and safety for doctors at our facility.


We believe that by doing so, doctors who work with us can significantly expand their experience in the field of clinical research, which not only benefits patients, but also improves their own skills. At the SPECDERM center, trust and professionalism go hand in hand with innovation, creating an environment where physicians can realize their careers at the highest level.


At SPECDERM, patients not only have access to specialized medical care, but also to state-of-the-art treatments. We offer the opportunity to take advantage of innovative solutions that can provide breakthroughs in the fight against specific conditions and diseases. These cutting-edge therapies, based on the latest scientific discoveries, give patients the chance to receive more effective treatment and improve their quality of life.

Our staff, consisting of experienced doctors and clinical research coordinators, constantly strives to provide the highest standard of care. At the same time, we realize the importance of patients’ emotional support. Therefore, we make sure to communicate transparently so that every patient is aware of and understands all aspects of the research being conducted while feeling confident and safe.